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Jamal Naji, a Jordanian author
  |   Jordan, Learn Arabic

Jamal Naji, a Jordanian author

Ahlan Jordan is directed by Jamal Naji, a Jordanian author. Naji’s work has contributed to shaping the contemporary novel and short story writing in Jordan and he is considered a prominent cultural figure who built a reputation for his creativity and subtle intellect. Throughout his...

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15 January
A day at Ahlan
  |   Jordan, Learn Arabic

A day at Ahlan

“Salaam!”    “Salaam” “Kafik?”   “Tamaam, ante?” “Mumtaz”   And so the start of another day at Ahlan world begins. With a cheery smile, a cup of hot tea and a cooling breeze from the patrolling fans, I start my first day at Ahlan World Jordan. My first impressions of...

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19 December